Sunday, March 04, 2007

South Wales Mission Part II

Rob Tuley fustrated at the shallow landing
on what would be a perfect fall, Afon Pyrddin

With the forecast of some rain in South Wales, Rob Tuley, Ralph Evins and myself left London at about 6 am to find some good boating. When we got across the Seven bridge the heavens seemed to have opened. Everything was high and brown, perfect conditions to wash away the London grime.

Our first port of call was an old friend from our last mission, the Nedd Fechan. It didn't disapoint. Everyone apart from yours truely seemed to try the upside down line on the triple drop, (there is advantages to taking the photos and coming down last!).

Ralph Evins showing us how it's done, Nedd Fechan

Theo Pedre getting some air, Nedd Fechan

We arrived at the confluence of the Afon Pyrddin and decided to do a little exploring. Some nice looking drops brought us to what is known as Gladys Falls
. This spectacular, near pefect drop unfortunately lands in about 2 ft of water, very typical of the area. We met the Nedd Fechan again and some fun play waves brought us to the end.

Myself Uber boofing, Afon Pyrddin

On the walk back up we spotted our friends Tim Burne and Dave Fairweather who we were due to meet up with earlier but got bored of waiting for them. The level had risen a lot in just the short time we were on and they seemed to be having an interesting time (I think Dave had a bit of a trashing!).

After fetching the car we headed over to the Tawe. We drove up to the Upper Tawe
which was a stonking spate stream, however it was also blowing a gale and we wussed out. We headed down to the middle Tawe which was in full spate and in the trees. On getting on we realised that this usual fun grade III-IV had turned into a Nepalese river in monsoon. After seeing some of the largest holes I have ever seen in the UK we shouldered our boats and headed back to our car and the big smog. Another succesful day mission to South Wales.


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